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Soil & Crop Health

New insights using DNA and Microscope analysis that helps you act early to mitigate potential problems.

Earlier discovery of disease pressure in your soil and crops allows you to take mitigating actions to avoid crop loss as well as enabling you to farm in a way that is more sustainable. Reduce chemical use through targeted applications or avoid their use altogether.

Plant pathogens are discovered using DNA Multiscan, a rapid scan of soil, plant, water or seeds to detect and identify the DNA of pathogenic organisms.

Nematodes are discovered using NematodeCheck which uses qPCR to identify and measure Nematode DNA.

Plant Pathogens Identified early with Early DNA Multiscan

By the time you observe disease in a crop, it is too late as some damage has already been done.

DNA Multiscan is a technique that’s unique to Eurofins Agro that uses Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). It allows us to take a sample of your plant, soil, water or seeds and scan it for the DNA of pathogenic fungi or bacteria. This gives you an early warning of any disease pressure in your crop long before you can see any crop damage.

This early warning of disease pressure allows you to take lower impact, preemptive actions. This may be the limited and targeted use of chemicals or indeed avoiding chemical application altogether by taking alternative measures.

In short, DNA Multiscan will allow you to reduce crop loss as well as your environmental impact.

Want to dig deeper into DNA Multiscan?

Nematodes Discovered with NematodeCheck

Every single farm that cultivates crops has nematodes. Initially, the build-up of plant-parasitic nematode populations can go unnoticed. Once nematode-induced crop damage is visible, it is usually too late, and costly measurements need to be taken to control the population again.

Our Nematode analysis uses Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) to identify Nematode DNA in a sample. The results will give you an overview of the nematodes present as well as information about the host plant suitability of your crop. With this information, you can take mitigating measures such as altering your crop rotation or choosing a different field for a certain crop.