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About our company

Since the birth of The Farming Forum the idea of a buying group has been discussed many times and over the years Trouble is not that existed impressed, had national reach and was able to demonstrate any benefit to us as farmers and in most cases the prices on offer were no better than you can get with a bit of shopping around. 

So we started our own buying group, with a different ethos and slimline structure.  Farmdeals.was created in 2021 and Farm Marketplace became it's e-commerce arm in 2023.  Both aim to supply products for the farming and amenity sectors at the best prices.

Farm Marketplace - free for any supplier to list products that farmers buy, from arable and livestock inputs to the machinery and everyday supplies we all need to run our businesses. These days pretty much anything can be bought online 24/7 and most of us are quite comfortable doing so. 

Please support the site and the suppliers that use it, it has the potential to change the way farmers buy for ever.